
Mobile Advertising

Mobile is the most private channel there is because it is carried around in a person's pocket, is usually found next to their bed, and is checked frequently. As a result, mobile marketing is crucial but also complex, and it represents the future of digital advertising.

1. Mobile devices account for 65% of all email openings.
2. On a search engine, 48% of users begin their mobile internet sessions.
3. Smartphones are often used by 56% of B2B buyers to view vendor material.
4. 95% of adults primarily consume content and information via their smartphones.


Utilise email marketing and banner ads to contact the targeted audience. To maximise potential, Doitadz offers a sizable audience base through email marketing and specialised banner ad media programmes.

Native Advertising

One strategy that marketers can employ to engage readers in a way that is more effective than traditional advertising is native advertising. Due to increased interaction than typical banner advertisements, native has recently attracted undeniable notice. Using third-party tools, we provide a tailored Native Media Plan and guarantee results.

Email Marketing

One of the finest performing techniques for advertisers to get the most return on investment from marketing initiatives is email marketing. Doitadz provides a comprehensive solution for running effective email campaigns. Follow real-time reporting to assess present performance and determine the next course of action.

Performance Marketing

A specific type of digital marketing is performance marketing. Its users are brands that only pay the performance marketers they have selected when a particular outcome (often clicks, conversions, or sales) is achieved.